Thursday, 2 August 2012

VMware: VMware vSphere Blog: VMware Employee DR Sessions at VMworld

As we're approaching VMworld I thought I'd write a quick post about the disaster recovery sessions being delivered by the VMware team this year.

Keep in mind, these are just the sessions being delivered by VMware staff, and just the DR sessions. There is a lot more out there under the business continuity umbrella, including great sessions by our customers and partners, and exploring various topics such as data protection and high availability.

First, I'll get my sessions on the board. I love doing the technical talks, so these should be a lot of fun:

INF-BCO1505 - VMware vSphere Replication: Technical Walk-Through with Engineering<>

VMware vSphere Replication is a feature of data replication used by both the vSphere platform to protect virtual machines and VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager to orchestrate the recovery of entire sites. In this session, VMware Engineering will take you through the full details of how vSphere Replication works: the identification and scheduling of data for replication, built-in fail-safes, networking aspects of vSphere Replication and ultimately how it is used by both vSphere and SRM. Follow along as we walk through the life cycle of protecting a virtual machine with vSphere Replication.

INF-BCO2147 - What's New: VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Technical Overview<>

Learn about features in VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager, including Enterprise enhancements to vSphere Replication. Get details on how SRM can be used to address Disaster Recovery needs in your virtualized data center.

The other DR sessions by VMware folks are listed below, and I'm hopeful I'll get a chance to attend a few of them, myself!

INF-BCO1159 - Architecting and Operating a VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster<>

In this session, Lee Dilworth and Duncan Epping will discuss the design and operational considerations for VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster environments, also commonly referred to as stretched cluster environments. Best practices for implementation and design will be shared. Various failure scenarios that can occur in a stretched storage environment will also be discussed in depth, including how vSphere 5.x responds to these failures. We will cover the implications for your vSphere High Availability, VMware vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler™ and VMware vSphere Storage DRS configuration and provide recommendations on increasing availability and simplifying operations.

INF-BCO1436 - NEW vSphere Replication Enhancements & Best Practices<>

In this session you will learn about our upcoming vSphere Replication enhancements. These enhancements make it attractive for customers of any size to utilize vSphere Replication for a variety of virtual machine replication use-cases. We will explain how this solution will work, the value proposition to you - the customer. We will also go into details around what your options are in terms of deployment and how the solution can be adapted and upgraded as your needs grow along with best practices learned from real customer deployments.

INF-BCO2155 - vCloud DR for Oxford University Computing Services - Real World Example<>

Resiliency is a key aspect of any infrastructure—it is even more important in infrastructure-as-a-service solutions. This session will include a tour of a real world vCloud DR solution deployed at Oxford University Computing Services (OUCS). Throughout the session there will be detailed guidance on how both the management and resource clusters were designed, deployed and automated. Furthermore the details of how SRM in conjunction with VMware vSphereTM PowerCLI (PowerCLI) was used to automate the end-to-end recovery of a vCloud Director–based infrastructure. This session will offer a perfect complimentary follow on from the whitepaper regarding the high-level process produced by Duncan Epping and Chris Colotti and the Automation session by Alan Renouf and Aidan Dalgleish. The paper combined with the Automation session will describe the process and the automation principles whereas this session will describe a complete real world implementation.

INF-BCO2159 - What's New: Site Recovery Manager – Simple and Reliable Disaster Recovery for All Virtualized Applications<>

vCenter Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication ensure the simplest and most reliable disaster protection for all virtualized applications. In this session, we will present an overview of Site Recovery Manager and its key capabilities including Non-Disruptive Testing, Automated Failback and Planned Migration. SRM has become a great tool to manage not just unplanned failovers, but also planned site migrations. Together with vSphere Replication, Site Recovery Manager provides a manageable, affordable and reliable disaster recovery solution enabling organizations to expand disaster protection to all their applications and smaller sites. Finally, we will discuss using SRM to recover in public cloud environments, further reducing the cost of disaster recovery protection for smaller organizations.

INF-BCO2167 - DR to the Cloud with SRM and vSphere Replication - Discussion with VMware and Sungard<>

Many organizations today do not have adequate disaster recovery protection for their applications. In most cases, disaster recovery is perceived as too expensive and complex. DR is a natural fit for the cloud, and VMware's Disaster Recovery to the Cloud Services make disaster recovery broadly accessible for all applications and sites by providing simple, cost-efficient and automated disaster protection using SRM 5 and vSphere Replication. In this session, VMware and Sungard will present new services that are delivered using vCenter Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication. We will also discuss the future evolution of these services.

I haven't filtered these by type of session, so make sure if you're looking for a business level discussion or technical that you get the right one for your needs.

Hope to see you there.

Posted byKen WerneburgTech Marketing

Twitter @vmKen


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