Monday, 30 April 2012

McAfee MOVE Antivirus joins the vShield Endpoint Family


<>We have seen a tremendous amount of customer interest in optimizing endpoint security in VMware vSphere and VMware View environments.
<>As server consolidation ratios rise and as large scale virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environments roll out it is important to take a fresh look at endpoint security. While the tried and true practice of installing a thick security agent per virtual machine is certainly viable, there is a lot to be gained in taking a new approach that is optimized for the virtual environment.

VMware vShield Endpoint<> offloads antivirus and anti-malware agent processing to a dedicated secure virtual appliance delivered by VMware partners. Our offload approach dramatically increases consolidation ratios and performance by eliminating anti-virus "storms", streamlines deployment, and satisfies compliance requirements. These capabilities combined with choice of industry leading endpoint security solutions are fundamental to your journey to the cloud.

VMware is proud to announce that McAfee is now shipping the McAfee MOVE Antivirus<> solution that integrates with VMware vShield Endpoint. The McAfee MOVE provides powerful, comprehensive, and consistent protection, and is managed and reported by the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator platform.

With the addition of McAfee we now have four actively shipping solutions with vShield Endpoint including:

Bitdefender Security for Virtualized Environments

Kaspersky Security for Virtualization

McAfee MOVE Antivirus<>

Trend Micro Deep Security

Original Post:

1 comment:

  1. Good... This blog nicely cover endpoint security solutions topic and provide helpful comparison. Thanks for sharing
