Tuesday, 3 April 2012

VMware Technical Journal, download it now!

Original Post: http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2012/04/03/vmware-technical-journal-download-it-now/

I've read this several times by now, so I figured I would share it with you. Hopefully most of you will already be aware though at this point as several people blogged and tweeted about it.

The VMware Technical Journal<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/vmware-technical-journal> is a new publication for the company. We are looking forward to producing future journal issues at regular intervals to highlight the R&D efforts taking place in several different areas of engineering. Our current issue includes papers related to distributed resource management, user experience monitoring, and statistics collection frameworks for virtualized environments, along with several other topics. In future issues we will highlight other areas of VMware R&D, including Cloud Application Platform and End User Computing, and research collaborations with academic partners.

All of the papers included in the tech journal can also be downloaded separately through the following links:

* VisorFS: A Special-purpose File System for Efficient Handling of System Images<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/cremel-vmtj-spring2012> (Olivier Cremel)
* A Software-based Approach to Testing VMware® vSphere® VMkernel Public APIs<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/xue-vmtj-spring2012>(Lan Xue, Sreevathsa Sathyanarayana, James Truong, Sriram Sankaran, Ramesh Pallapotu, Thorbjoern Donbaek, Eric Lorimer)
* Providing Efficient and Seamless Desktop Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/zhang-vmtj-spring2012>(Lizhu Zhang, Wenlong Shao, Jim Grandy)
* Comprehensive User Experience Monitoring<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/spracklen-vmtj-spring2012>(Lawrence Spracklen, Banit Agrawal, Rishi Bidarkar, Hari Sivaraman)
* StatsFeeder: An Extensible Statistics Collection Framework for Virtualized Environments<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/ravi-vmtj-spring2012>(Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan, Balaji Parimi, Jon Cook)
* VMware Distributed Resource Management: Design, Implementation, and Lessons Learned<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/gulati-vmtj-spring2012>(Ajay Gulati, Anne Holler, Minwen Ji, Ganesha Shanmuganathan, Carl Waldspurger, Xiaoyun Zhu)
* Identity, Access Control, and VMware Horizon<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/pugh-vmtj-spring2012>(Will Pugh, Kyle Austin)
* VMworld 2011 Hands-On Labs: Implementation and Workflow<http://labs.vmware.com/publications/zimman-vmtj-spring2012>(Adam Zimman, Clair Roberts, Mornay Van Der Walt)

Worth reading believe me!

I've already put in the request to make these available as both mobi/epub.

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